by tehcnair_root

We are a dynamic technical-commercial business in the field of air cleaning systems and filters since 1982.
Our business with the cooperation of the most famous and reliable manufacturers of Europe import:
- Synthetic filters in rolls, metallic, filters of high efficiency, bag filters, absolute filters, activated carbon, electrostatic filters, filtercells and bag filters for dust collection.
- Dust and vapor collection systems for different kinds of laboratories, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals etc.
- Exhaust fumes extraction systems for garages, suction arms, suction benches, filter unites, mobile suction unites and different types of suction fans.
- Ventilation insulation of special case rooms
Throughout the years TECHNAIR is a well known company in the air filter sector based on the high quality of its products combined with the prices which the company is trying to keep constant and low. Another powerful element is the excellent personal relationship with its customers. We believe in our business and in what we stand for as a company which is a clean and healthy environment.